If you’re relocating and you need Packing and Moving Services during this hurricane season, hiring a Professional Moving Company should be at the top of the list of things to do before the big move. However, one important question remains: How do you go about hiring such company? You have to put a little bit of work into finding the perfect company. As this day and age, you, the customer, will have to use a search engine like Google to do some research before you start calling companies. Just looking up companies on Google is only the first part of the process. Although they may offer less than stellar packing and moving services, those companies that come up on the first pages of Google usually have great internet marketing teams to have them ranked really high on search engines. You want to avoid those types of companies.

Our team of veteran Packers and Loaders have the experience and knowledge to make sure your items are safe and secure during transport whether it be domestically or abroad.
If you live in Florida, moving can be a hassle, especially during hurricane season. If you really have to move, there are lots of things to take into consideration. As stated in the first paragraph, you will want to do your research first. Simply looking up companies on search engines is not enough. You will need to read reviews about those companies on reputable websites. The next step in the process is for you to make a list of those companies that seem to offer all-around great services. After making a complete list of all those companies with their phone numbers and important information regarding when, how, and where they offer their services, you should start calling those companies to inquire more about their services and prices. You should also make a list of important questions to ask before calling. Although time will be of the essence, try to be as thorough as possible. If you’re having doubts about any of the company, simply cross it off your list and move on to the next one. When you do find the right company, ask more questions to be sure. For long distance relocation or any other type of relocation, you will want a packing and moving company that will not damage your belongings.
Since we are in hurricane season, Packing Companies will try to lure you in with the promise of giving you discounts and other perks. If the services offered sound too good to be true, they probably are, so beware. For relocation services, Packing Service, Inc. is among the best in the industry. The only promise that the company will make to customers is to offer them the best services in the industry at a flat rate quote. Unlike most other companies, we only provide flat rate quotes. We do not provide estimates since they do change. Unscrupulous representatives from some of those packing and moving companies often lure customers in will low estimates at the beginning only to charge them an arm and a leg after the job is completed. To request a flat rate quote for all your packing and moving needs, email us at info@packingserviceinc.com or give us a call at (888) 722-5774.